Re‐tell one of the most well‐known Bible stories using a range of cross‐curricular resources to engage and excite your young readers
The Travelling Tales: Noah's Ark resource provides inspiration and resources for planning a series of lessons centred around a quality text
The Rob Lloyd Jones re‐telling of Noah's Ark includes beautiful and vivid illustrations making for a memorable telling of this popular Bible story about Noah
Noah is warned by God that a great flood will cover the earth
God gives Noah the responsibility of saving the animals and Noah builds an ark and guides the animals onboard two by two
This Travelling Tales story sack includes several animal puppets which can be used by you or your learners to re‐tell the story in a memorable way
A series of cross‐curricular lessons are also resourced using the bank of resources provided by Travelling Tales, with the inclusion of a non‐fiction book, a game and sing‐along CD
Contents may vary from description based on availability