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educational advantage Cruiser Lightweight Balance Bike



  • The Cruiser Lightweight Balance Bike is ideal for any young child learning to ride a bike for the first time
  • This bike can help balance and control as unlike other bikes that can be heavy and clumsy this bike is that light even a child can pick it up
  • Children can now enjoy being in full control of their own learning experience
  • Watch as they grow in confidence as they master the art of riding there first big bike
  • Seat H370 ‐ 450mmUltra‐light frame makes manoeuvring easyWon't rustStrong and sturdyAids physical development and independenceSuitable for 3 to 6 years
Group 1 Early Years
Group 2 Physical Development
Group 3 Trikes, Scooters & Ride Ons
Style Code FE00015850