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Philip Harris Structure and Bonding Kit



  • Atomic Power! The Philip Harris Structure and Bonding Kit gives your students a powerful tool to aid their understanding of atomic structure, the periodic table and each element's place within it
  • By using this kit students can explore, as individuals or as a group, atomic structure with enough components to build two atoms up to Atomic number 20 (i
  • e
  • calcium)
  • The model consists of a magnetic backing board (not included) and magnetic pieces that together allow students to gradually build up the nucleus and orbitals as required for the atom being modelled
  • Additionally the kit enables modelling of the three types of bonding taught at GCSE as well as the ability to explore isotopes
Group 1 Science
Group 2 Chemistry
Group 3 Materials & their Properties
Group 4 Structure & Bonding
Industry Sector Rail
Style Code FE00055764