The Urban Fitness® 11pc Resistance Tube Set includes all necessary accessories for more than 150 possible exercises for any muscle group, suitable for any fitness level
Whether you want a complete body workout, or to work on just one muscle group at a time
Work your muscles, lose weight, work your arms, abs, legs, and gluteus maximus, and do cardio
It combines your usual routines, such as squats, bench presses, curls and rowing
Gain strength, endurance,
improve your balance
with the
Yoga Pilates Bar
Great for
yoga stretching
low‐impact muscle toning helpssculpt and develop
long and lean muscles
very easy to set up
and just
requires a small space
to get in a good workout
Great for exercising at home
Multiple strength bands and attaching the bands to the bar is quick and simple
Great for physical therapy and rehabilitation after injury as it will help to begin rebuilding muscle strength and improve movement
What's in the set?5 x different strengths tubes from x‐light ‐ x‐strong5 x handles and attachments1 x carry bag