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First-play Target Games Pack



  • The First‐play Target Games Pack is a fun pack of equipment which will help hand‐eye co ordination, throwing, catching, aiming skills and movement
  • Comprises of a variety of target games such as skittles, boccia and hoopla
  • Packs away neatly into the sturdy bag with wheels for easy transportation and storage
  • What's in the pack?1 x skittle set1 x adjustable target net with 4 flying discs1 x boccia target set1 x bullseye target with 12 zoftballs1 x rainbow numbers target with beanbags2 x inflatable cones with 8 rings1 x sturdy holdall with wheels
Group 1 Sport
Group 2 PE Essentials
Group 3 PE & Playtime Packs
Industry Sector Rail
Style Code FE00058148