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LEGO education STEAM Park - 295 pieces



  • STEAM Park builds on every child's natural curiosity and desire to create, explore, and investigate the world of early Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths (STEAM) through creative play
  • The possibilities are endless, as you work with them to construct a STEAM Park full of dynamic moving rides, fun games, and scenes using the special selection of LEGO® DUPLO® bricks
  • With every trip to STEAM Park, children grow their understanding of gears, motion, measurement, and solving problems together in a fun and engaging way
  • Additional Features:295 LEGO® DUPLO® bricks, including gears, tracks, pulleys, boats, and figures.8 double‐sided building inspiration cards with 16 models to build.5 activity idea cards to inspire playful learning
  • A selection of online learn‐to‐build mini animations
  • Suitable for children age 3+ years
Brand LEGO®Education - DUPLO�
Group 1 Early Years
Group 2 Construction
Group 3 Plastic Construction
Style Code FE00012297