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Gryffalo, Y/The Gruffalo



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  • Gryffalo, Y is written entirely in Welsh as an adaption of the English version
  • Walk further into the deep dark wood, and discover what happens when a quick‐witted mouse comes face to face with an owl, a snake
  • and a hungry Gruffalo! Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's The Gruffalo is an undisputed modern classic and has become a best‐selling phenomenon across the world with over 13.5 million copies sold!Mae Gryffalo, Y wedi'i ysgrifennu'n gyfan gwbl yn Gymraeg fel addasiad o'r fersiwn Saesneg
  • Cerddwch ymhellach i'r goedwig dywyll ddofn, a darganfyddwch beth sy'n digwydd pan ddaw llygoden witiog wyneb yn wyneb â thylluan, neidr
  • a Gryffalo llwglyd! Mae The Gruffalo gan Julia Donaldson ac Axel Scheffler yn glasur modern diamheuol ac wedi dod yn ffenomen sy’;n gwerthu orau ar draws y byd gyda dros 13.5 miliwn o gopïau wedi’;u gwerthu!
Features Chefs
Group 1 Curricular
Group 2 Languages
Group 3 Other Languages
Industry Sector Catering
Style Code HP00053562