This book selection develops reading and listening skills
Aligned with Phase 1 of Letters and Sounds, they are great for introducing children to reading and laying all‐important foundations for phonics work
Phase 1 aims to get children attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills
These 24 books are taken from reading schemes and written specifically to aid phonic learning
For example the inside cover notes for books in the Floppy's Phonics series encourages children to be 'sound detectives
' Each page features questions about noises Children might hear in the scene ‐ like music and chatter or sausages sizzling ‐ and encourages children to make their own sounds, rhymes and chants
All books elicit discussion about characters and storylines to nurture visual literacy
Series in this collection include Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds and Oxford's: Decode and Develop, Explore, and Floppy's Phonics Letters and Sounds
All books are fitted with a protective jacket to preserve their school life