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Maths Problem Solving Cards -Year 1 Measurement and Geometry from Hope Education



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  • Hope Measurement and Geometry ‐ Year 1 Problem Solving Strategies and Skills Maths CardsEmbed Mathematical Problem‐Solving and Reasoning
  • The Problem‐Solving Strategies and Skills Maths Cards provide a wide variety of motivating and high‐interest problem‐solving activities
  • There are three boxes for each year level, Year 1 to Year 6, comprising:� 30 Number and Algebra cards, plus answers� 30 Measurement and Geometry cards, plus answers� 30 Statistics and Chance cards, plus answersEach box also includes a problem‐solving process card, and a problem‐solving strategies card, to guide and provide support to children as they progress through each stage and box set
  • The front of each card has a mathematics word problem for pupils to solve and the reverse of each card has an extension activity for more able pupils
  • The problems involve one or several steps, require the use of a variety of strategies and skills and are supported by colourful artwork
  • The features of the Problem‐Solving boxes include:� Excellent resources to support problem‐solving, an essential component of the maths curriculum;� Varied, real‐life and challenging problems;� Activities that enable pupils to practise maths concepts taught in class through problems
  • The Problem‐solving cards also provide lots of opportunities for reflective teaching and focus on pupil thinking in problem‐solving
  • Year 1 Measurement and Geometry� By the use of day to day objects and familiar pictures, the pupil�s spatial awareness is developed and challenged to harness their problem‐solving approach and process
  • � The use of mathematical language and illustrations work in tandem to stimulate the interpretation of the problem and process to reach a solution
  • Reasons to Love:�Problem solving and reasoning is a huge focus in the current curriculum when it comes to demonstrating a �deeper understanding�
  • Therefore, this measurement and geometry problem solving set is ideal for consolidating and applying prior knowledge to these areas
  • �All challenges are focussed on real life scenarios and contexts, allowing to see how mathematical understanding is key to life in the current world in which we live
  • �Includes a full set of answer sheets allowing for children to self and peer check, and therefore removing any additional marking for teachers
  • �Children invariably can be taught the fluency aspect of learning a new skill/strategy but then applying this to problem solving/reasoning scenarios is the area they find most tricky
  • This resource aims at developing this aspect of the maths curriculum
Group 1 Curricular
Group 2 Mathematics
Group 3 Maths Teaching Resources
Industry Sector Rail
Material Polythylene
Style Code HE1593858