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Rainbow Eco Play Eco-Friendly Sparkle Sand Shakers - Pack of 6



  • This amazing Eco‐Friendly Craft Sand is an environmentally friendly, shimmery, glittery craft sand that is made without micro‐plastics
  • Unlike most glitter products which are made from plastic and contribute to the growing problem of micro‐plastics in the environment, this sand is made from 100% natural mineral sand using environmentally friendly and non‐toxic ingredients and is therefore a great eco alternative to decorative glitter craft
  • The shaker bottles are resealable, reusable, and recyclable
  • They are complete with flip tops so the sand can be poured or shaken
  • The craft sand shakers are designed to reduce mess and for easy control so are ideal for many children's arts and crafts projects
  • Ideal for festive crafts and greeting cards
  • Supplied in resealable, reusable, and recyclable 220g shaker bottles
  • This pack contains 6 x shaker bottles of Sparkle Sand in Gold, Red, Blue, White, Violet and Green
Group 1 Art & Design
Group 2 Collage & Craft Activities
Group 3 Collage Materials
Industry Sector Craft
Style Code FE00036907